Get a real VoIP Conference Phone

Polycom really are the undisputed king of conference phones. They have been with analog conference phones and still are with VoIP conference phones.
Up until now, to save money a lot of people have stuck with one of the original analog SoundStation2 conference phones in conjunction with an Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) to get connected to VoIP. Now there's really no need...
The Polycom SoundStation IP 5000 is now available and we've got it at a fantastic price of $845 (all our prices include GST and freight). At that price there's really no excuse not to get the best quality VoIP conference phone for your business.
We've also just gone and lowered our Polycom prices even further making the "voice quality standard" even more competitive with other brands. This includes the IP 5000's sibling conferencing phones, the IP 6000 and IP 7000 as well as the entire Polycom Soundpoint desk phone range.