May 06

IPv6 Day

World IPv6 day is on 8th of June 2011, it starts at 00:00 UTC which means lunchtime here (IPv6 day will run into the 9th by 12 hours here). So with a little over a month to go we've prepared our serves for it and started testing by serving the site at (Note this link will only work if you have IPv6 connectivity). When IPv6 day arrives we'll be serving the main site at the normal address dual stacked (both IPv4 and IPv6).

As we don't have native IPv6 transit yet we're currently using IPv6 tunnels from Hurricane Electric. Set up on our servers took very little time, just adding an interface and DNS records. The thing that took the longest was setting up things here at the office so we could test everything. Our old WRT54GL router was running a super old version on OpenWRT, it's now been upgraded to their latest "Backfire" release which includes a spiffy new GUI.

So let us know if you're using the IPv6 site or if you have any other comments/questions about it.

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