Jul 30

New official Ethernet Shield from Arduino

We've just received a brief update from the Arduino team about a couple of new products;

A new Ethernet shield with many improvements over the original. It is compatible with the Arduino MEGA board, has an on board micro SD card connector and an on-board reset controller.

arduino ethernet

A custom made box that will fit an Arduino Duemilanove or a Mega with an Ethernet shield and some room for a battery too.

arduino box

The products will be available from the Arduino team themselves soon so should filter through the supply chain before too long.

6 responses to "New official Ethernet Shield from Arduino"

  1. Here's the release on the Arduino blog about the the new Ethernet shield; http://arduino.cc/blog/?p=659
  2. Do you sell these?
  3. Yes we do.
  4. Do you also sell the box? Where can I find one and the 9v adaptor? or do you recommend a different power source when going portable?
  5. Pending moderation

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