Jul 26

Now we've got clearance products

From time to time we get products that we can't sell as new like normal. They might have a damaged box, be returned by a customer (but not faulty) or just be unpopular or excess stock. Up until now we've been selling these to people who specifically enquired, or just piling them up in the corner of the store room.

To help us stop piling these up in the corner and to allow you to get some better than normal deals we've created our clearance area. Whenever we've got these type of products available we'll add them to this page. Each item will have listed the reason it is on clearance. As these are individual items, stock is strictly limited to what's listed, so it's first in first served.

As I write this there's three items currently available, more will be added as they are dug out of the store room and they will drop off as they are purchased.

Still in the works is an RSS feed of clearance items so you don't have to keep an eye on the page all the time. For now if you'd like to be notified when new items are added just drop us a line.

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