Python module for SecurePayTech Payment Gateway
Here's some Python code to interact with the SecurePayTech credit card gateway. This is the service we use for processing your credit card payments on the nicegear site.
I open sourced this back when I wrote it the for the nicegear site and sent it through to SecurePayTech but for some reason they never got around to publishing it. Subsequently it's been collecting dust and not many people know about it so I thought I'd let you all know about it.
Here's some example usage, it's pretty simple;
from securepaytech import PaymentGateway gateway = PaymentGateway('TESTDIGISPL1', 'd557591484cb2cd12bba445aba420d2c69cd6a88') request = PaymentRequest( CardHolderName='Test Card', CardNumber='4987654321098769', CardExpiry='0513', Amount = '10.00' ) request.EnableCSC = True request.CSC = '100' response = gateway.payment(request) print response
At the bottom of the file is some similar example usage.
It's released under the MIT license so feel free to use it as you wish. If you find it useful or have some suggestions for improvements feel free to let us know if the comments below.